Does your business need to rebrand?
A good business is constantly growing and evolving and so should its brand image. No matter how good or effective you think your brand is, at some point you will need to rebrand. But how will you know when the time has come to seek the help of a branding agency?
Your business is offering new services and products
As your business develops it will likely expand its services and products to cater to more people. Maybe your business started out as branded t-shirts, but you have now expanded to other types of clothing, or you were just a food retailer but now you offer your own line of food products? Your brand image will mostly likely be too restrictive and will need to change in order to facilitate and include this new direction.
Your name is hindering your business
When you started out you might have been the only person in the area with your style of business. A simple and generic name was thus adequate. With multiple companies now popping up all around you, standing out is a key factor to ensure your business thrives. Make sure your brand is not too generic or similar to your competitors, or you’ll get lost in the ever-increasing number of modern businesses.
The company platform and design is outdated
The rate that technology is changing at makes it hard for anyone to keep up, we know. But having a website and logo that was designed in the 90’s is not going to cut it. Make sure you keep your brand relatable and upbeat; you don’t want to get left behind.
The target audience of your business has changed
With changing fashions, trends and taste, what appealed to some people five years ago may no longer be desirable to them now. As interest in your brand shifts, and as your products and services change or expand you need to stay aware of who your customers are. Always make sure that you are targeting the right people with your brand image. The people that used to be your fresh-faced teen audience, could now be reaching their midlife crises- understand at what stage of their life your audience is.
You have expanded beyond your original location
With the advent of online stores and accessible shipping, it is likely that you can now serve clients in a much larger radius. This means your brand needs to accommodate a much wider scope of people. If your business name is location specific, it would be a good idea to change it to something more inclusive.
You want to raise your product prices
If you started out as an entry level product, but are looking towards moving into a luxury category, then rebranding is definitely recommended. If people associate your image with cheap products, its going to be hard to change their mind while maintaining the same image.
Depending on the goals you have for the future of your business, you can either look for a partial rebranding or go for a complete rebranding of your business. Partial rebranding requires just simple and minor changes to for instance your logo mark or some specific changes to a few products in order to upscale them. Full rebranding then includes major changes in messaging and ethos. The decision to rebrand should not be taken lightly but is an important step to maintain traction in a fast-paced world.
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